This is who we are

Over the past number of years the photography market has changed so dramatically. The digital world has opened up the doors of photography to people who before only dreamed of being photographers. These dreams are being realized every day.

I sometimes look at the photo market as it has changed. I look at websites of so many of the new photographers with $1000 wedding packages; cute, bright color photos, lens flair, lots of details, stylized shoots, etc. They take full advantage of the fads that come into the market.  Most of the photographers are single or have a husband working a full time job supporting them, allowing for the less expensive wedding packages.

I look at this and think, how can we compete with this? How can we grow in a market that is over saturated with photographers coming and going. It's a difficult thing to think about. So I stop.  These photographers, all however many dozens of our local "Premier studios" and think, they are realizing their dreams. They are setting out to do something that they love and have "passion" for.  Why am I even thinking about competing with them? We don't. We compete with ourselves. We and the struggles that this rapidly changing market face are our own competition. Self betterment, self doubt, self fulfillment, self worth, selfishness, these are the things we compete with, for and against.  Yes the market is crazy, yes it's harder to support a growing family with the photo paradigm shifting in the way it is toward the cheap and trendy. But that is ok!

It makes us better people. It makes our images better images. We are  not focused on lens flare, though I may capture it from time to time. We are not focused on stylized shoots, though we have been asked to so them, from time to time. We are not focused on the wedding photo fad du jour. Though sometimes we are asked to photograph them.  We continue to focus on you, on our couples, on the love that makes to people want to change their lives to be with one another. that is what makes us who we are, that is why we do what we do.

This wedding is no different. It is not packed with the latest wedding fads, it's not overwhelming with details of table decor and signature drinks. It's about Brittany and Kyle and what they experienced for a brief part of their lives together.

As complicated as the wedding market is becoming for full time photographers, we keep doing what we love. We keep learning and growing and bettering ourselves and we keep working with beautiful brilliant people like Brittany and Kyle!


Breanne Magers(non-registered)
You guys are beyond amazing!!! I am always in awe of your work. Congrats Brittany and Kyle! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to your special day!
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