caryn & brian; a long awaited los poblanos wedding

sometimes love takes a while. 6,359 days to be exact!  caryn & brian met each other 17 years ago. time has a funny way of working things out and when the time was right these two decided to marry; they chose to no longer look back but to only look forward.

in our initial conversation brian gave me a list of personality traits to describe caryn, he said that 'shes's attractive , smart, reserved, introverted, she' s a planner and comes from a small family'. he also said they are complete opposites of each other 'he's not attractive, dumb, outwardly affectionate, a big extrovert, he prefers to operate on the fly and comes from a large, loud family'.  now i do not agree with all of his characterizations, i agree they are pretty opposite, and it's amazing to see how opposites really do attract. these two complemented each other in every way possible!

their wedding celebration was held at the ever lovely los poblanos in albuquerque, new mexico. friends and family from all over joined in their excitement and brian made a huge totem pole to display on the lawn to acknowledge where all the guests came from. to settle their nerves they opted for a first look prior to the ceremony & allowed us the privilege of capturing that special time between the two of them.  their heartfelt ceremony officiated by caryn's hometown pastor from dallas, was to celebrate the fact that sometimes it's all about time!!  #itsallabouttime  

caryn & brian, thank you for finally saying 'i do' & letting us be there to witness it!



hair & make up artist: genica lee

brides dress: Liancarlo from bridal salon at neiman marcus

flowers: manning flowers

venue & catering: los poblanos historical inn & organic farm

dj: chris romero with cutmaster music

ceremony & reception music: los primos

videography: sarah & scott with luminance wedding films

photography: desiree & seth, jones photo art


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