Our Mothers


When I was a little older than our oldest son, I remember my dad was trying to finish college and was working as well. There was a time that we didn’t see him much bcz of his school and work. In order to make ends meet, my mother worked as a night auditor at a new hotel that had just opened up on the edge of the small town I grew up in. She also was on a road crew holding traffic signs for hours at a time.

We were taught to do our own laundry and cook a few meals. For a time, I thought it was tough… I look back on it now and realize, if we thought it was tough, my mom must have thought it was incredibly difficult; working nights, taking care of four kids, supporting a husband through school and work (and his grades during this time were stellar, even in art class). I know she didn’t want to do that. Who wants to see their spouse for only a short time each day? Who wants to leave their little children at home and go work all night long? Or go out and stand on a hot old road with men yelling obscenities as they drive by? I certainly don’t. (especially the men yelling obscenities, I would find that moderately difficult to endure all day)  I can’t imagine having to live like that and still try to teach my kids right from wrong, good from bad, and give them the start in life that they need.

In addition to her working and taking care of everything else, she did her best to teach me and my brother manners and etiquette. We attended our church meetings, took care of our homework (for the most part) and were only grounded for a couple of summers.

I remember sneaking back into my window early one morning, I was out all night hanging out with some friends. She was up early, not being able to sleep. She saw me walking past the front door and just as I was climbing into my basement window I looked up to see my mom standing there. She invited me back up to watch the beautiful sunrise as I cleaned the garage by myself and thought about what I would do the whole summer at home as I was grounded until school started.

Of course that lasted all of no time, when some friends came over that my mom really liked and I was out with them with no issue at all!

My mother did her best raising us and she endured many trials and struggles to help give us the start that we need. There are so many moms out there right now that are enduring struggles and trials and their single purpose is to give their kids a good life.

I look back on the photos that I have of my family and my parents and remember the joy and the love that we shared growing up. It takes seeing only one image to bring back all of those feelings. We are so lucky to have these photos even though they are few.

I love you Mom. Happy Mother’s Day!


To celebrate the strength, and enduring love that our mothers have for us, give them a break from the day to day with a photo session for moms; a Mother and Me session, a Connection session with mom and dad, a family lifestyle session, a newborn baby session with mommy.  This mother’s day do something different, give your mom a  gift certificate for a photo session with Desiree and Seth.  As a special Mothers Day gift with the purchase of the gift certificate for a session, mom gets a 4×8 fold out mini-book. (perfect to keep in mom’s purse and show friends and family.)

If you yourself are a mom, you can easily forward this on to your husband, kids, friends, cousin in Alaska, you know, whoever!!! (sometimes we husbands, sons,  and dads need little hints from our wonderful wives, parents, and kids!) It’s even a great gift to give a close friend for Mother’s Day!


 Happy Mother’s Day!


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